Biological Nitrogen Removal Database

A manually curated data resource for microbial nitrogen removal

Groundwater Water systems

Experimental setup


Denitrification system:Sulfur limestone autotrophic denitrification (SLAD)

Denitrifying reactor:Combined bioelectrochemical and sulfur autotrophic denitrification system (CBSAD)

Medium:Sulphur granules

Culture taken from:Denitrifying reactor effluent

Organism (s) cultured:nan


Electron donor:Sulphur

Electron acceptor:Nitrate

Experimental Information

Input NO3-N (mg/l):0.71

Nitrate removal rate (mg NO3-N/l/h):0.71

Denitrification rate (gNO3-N removed/m3/day):nan

Microorganisms identified:nan

Molecular tools:nan

Information about Article

Major findings:The CBSAD process is possible technology for groundwater denitrification.

Authors:Wan et al., 2009

Title:Using the combined bioelectrochemical and sulfur autotrophic denitrification system for groundwater denitrification

Pubmed link:None

Full research link:Link

Abstract:A combined bioelectrochemical and sulfur autotrophic denitrification system (CBSAD) was evaluated to treat a groundwater with nitrate contamination (20.9–22.0 mg NO 3 -N/L). The reactor was operated continuously for several months with groundwater to maximize treatment efficiency under different hydraulic retention times (HRT) and electric currents. The denitrification rate of sulfur autotrophic part followed a half-order kinetics model. Moreover, the removal efficiency of bioelectrochemical part depended on the electric current. The reactor could be operated efficiently at the HRT ranged from 4.2 to 2.1 h (corresponding nitrogen volume-loading rates varied from 0.12 to 0.24 kg N/m3 d; and optimum current ranged from 30 to 1000 mA), and the NO 3 -N removal rate ranged from 95% to 100% without NO 3 -N accumulation. The pH of effluent was satisfactorily adjusted by bioelectrochemical part, and the sulfate concentration of effluent was lower than 250 mg /L, meeting the drinking water standard of China EPA.