Denitrification system:Sulfur-driven denitrification
Denitrifying reactor:CSTR (Continuous stirred tank reactor )
Medium:Sulphur granules
Culture taken from:Thiobacillus denitrificans
Organism (s) cultured:nan
Electron donor:Sulphur
Electron acceptor:Nitrate
Input NO3-N (mg/l):nan
Nitrate removal rate (mg NO3-N/l/h):62.5
Denitrification rate (gNO3-N removed/m3/day):nan
Microorganisms identified:nan
Molecular tools:nan
Major findings:Study focused on denitrifying ability of bacteria under non standard conditions. The bacteria was able to perform denitrification at unusual temperature and pH conditions.
Authors:Trouve et al. 1998
Title:Denitrification by New Strains of Thiobacillus Denitrificans under Non-Standard Physicochemical Conditions. Effect of Temperature, pH, and Sulphur Source
Pubmed link:None
Full research link:Link
Abstract:Nitrates removal from waters can be achieved by physicochemical or by biological means. The use of ion exchange processes can be applied in both superficial and ground waters. The biological technologies are restricted nowadays to groundwater, because the heterotrophic microorganisms implied in such processes in the case of superficial waters generally have a weak efficiency during winter time leading to troubles such as the release of nitrites, which are intermediary products of the reduction procedure. Biological autotrophic processes using Thiobacillus denitrificans have been elaborated at least at a pilot scale, and with a good efficiency. Until now no work had been done upon the ability of this bacterium to denitrify under non standard conditions, including low temperatures. The purpose of this work was to isolate environmental Thiobacillus denitrificans strains able to remove nitrates under unusual temperature and pH conditions. We isolated several psychrophilic strains, some of them removing nitrates at 5°C in fixed cultures, and at pH ranging from 6 to 8, in batch conditions. The sulphur sources influenced nitrates removal and were classified as S2O3 2? > FeS > FeS2 > S°, according to the affinity of Thiobacillus denitrificans for the source.