Biological Nitrogen Removal Database

A manually curated data resource for microbial nitrogen removal

Groundwater Water systems

Experimental setup


Denitrification system:Sulfur limestone autotrophic denitrification (SLAD)

Denitrifying reactor:PBR (Packed bed reactor)

Medium:Sulphur granules

Culture taken from:nan

Organism (s) cultured:nan


Electron donor:Sulphur

Electron acceptor:Nitrate

Experimental Information

Input NO3-N (mg/l):nan

Nitrate removal rate (mg NO3-N/l/h):16

Denitrification rate (gNO3-N removed/m3/day):nan

Microorganisms identified:nan

Molecular tools:nan

Information about Article

Major findings:The real ground water allowed the SLAD system to foul faster than the synthetic ground water, due to its chemical composition. SLAD column required backwashing after 6 months of operation when the influent is synthetic ground water but will foul and require backwashing within 1–2 months when the influent is real ground water.

Authors:Flere and Zhang., 1999

Title:Nitrate removal with sulfur-limestone autotrophic denitrification processes.

Pubmed link:None

Full research link:Link

Abstract:Nitrate removal using sulfur and limestone autotrophic denitrification (SLAD) processes was evaluated with four laboratory-scale fixed-bed column reactors. The research objectives were (1) to determine the optimum design criteria of the fixed-bed SLAD columns; and (2) to evaluate the effects of biofouling on the SLAD column performance. A maximum denitrification rate of 384 g was achieved at a loading 2 3 NO -N/(m 3 ?day) rate between 600 and 700 g The effluent nitrite concentration started to rise gradually once 2 3 NO -N/(m 3 ?day). the loading rate was above 600 g A loading rate between 175 and 225 g 2 3 2 3 NO -N/(m 3 ?day). NO -N/(m 3 ?day) achieved the maximum nitrate-N removal efficiency (;95%). Biofouling was evaluated based on tracer studies, the measured biofilm thickness, and modeling. The porosities of the columns fluctuated with time, and the elongation of the filter media was observed. Biofouling caused short-circuiting and decreased nitrate removal efficiency. A SLAD column will require backwashing after 6 months of operation when the influent is synthetic ground water but will foul and require backwashing within 1–2 months when the influent is real ground water.