Biological Nitrogen Removal Database

A manually curated data resource for microbial nitrogen removal

Groundwater Water systems

Experimental setup

Influent:Water from a deep well

Denitrification system:Heterotrophic dentrification-microfiltration

Denitrifying reactor:Membrane packed bed bioreactor

Medium:Capillary membrane module, type OXY (K289OX)

Culture taken from:Anaerobic biofilm containing denitrifying bacteria

Organism (s) cultured:nan


Electron donor:Methanol

Electron acceptor:Nitrate

Experimental Information

Input NO3-N (mg/l):20

Nitrate removal rate (mg NO3-N/l/h):nan

Denitrification rate (gNO3-N removed/m3/day):11.6–13.2

Microorganisms identified:nan

Molecular tools:nan

Information about Article

Major findings:The coupling heterotrophic denitrification with microfiltration system is this study results in the effective removal of nitrate from well water.

Authors:Wasik et al., 2001

Title:Removal of nitrate ions from natural water using a membrane bioreactor.

Pubmed link:None

Full research link:Link

Abstract:The research aimed at determining effectiveness of nitrates removal from natural ground water in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) with capillary polymer membranes. The paper presents an influence of nitrate loading on denitrification in an anaerobic packed-bed reactor, a sanitary and epidemiological analysis in a culture apparatus and effectiveness in removal of microorganisms from a post-culture effluent during microfiltration. The installation used for denitrification, which contained a bioreactor and membrane module made of capillary fibers, was fed continuously for several months with natural ground water enriched with organic carbon (methanol).