Biological Nitrogen Removal Database

A manually curated data resource for microbial nitrogen removal

Water Treatment Plant

Experimental setup

Influent:Synthetic water

Denitrification system:Combined heterotrophic and sulfur autotrophic denitrification (CHSAD) 

Denitrifying reactor:Fluidized bed reactor and Sulfur packed bed reactor


Culture taken from:Heterotrophic denitrification system

Organism (s) cultured:nan


Electron donor:Methanol, Sulfur

Electron acceptor:Nitrate

Experimental Information

Input NO3-N (mg/l):30

Nitrate removal rate (mg NO3-N/l/h):nan

Denitrification rate (gNO3-N removed/m3/day):nan

Microorganisms identified:nan

Molecular tools:nan

Information about Article

Major findings:Results obtained in this study suggest that combining heterotrophic denitrification with sulphur autotrophic denitrification can be an effective method for nitrate removal in wastewater. The two systems complimented each other which resulted in efficient denitrification rates being attained.

Authors:Liu et al., 2009

Title:Study of a combined heterotrophic and sulfur autotrophic denitrification technology for removal of nitrate in water. 

Pubmed link:Link

Full research link:Link

Abstract:A combined two-step process of heterotrophic denitrification in a fluidized reactor and sulfur autotrophic denitrification processes (CHSAD) was developed for the removal of nitrate in drinking water. In this process, the advantage of high efficiency of heterotrophic denitrification with non-excessive methanol and the advantage of non-pollution of sulfur autotriphic denitrification were integrated in this CHSAD process. And, this CHSAD process had the capacity of pH balance and could control the concentration of SO42? in effluent by adjusting the operation condition. When the influent nitrate was 30 mg NO3?–N/L, the reactor could be operated efficiently at the hydraulic retention time (HRT) ranging from 20 to 40 min with C:N ratio (mg CH3OH:mg NO3?–N) of 2.0 (methanol as carbon source). The nitrate removal was nearly 100% and there was no accumulated nitrite or residual methanol in the effluent. The effluent pH was about 7.5 and the sulfate concentration was lower than 130 mg/L. The maximum volume-loading rate of the reactor was 2.16 kg NO3?–N/(m3 d). The biomass and scanning electron microscopy graphs of biofilm were also analyzed.