Denitrification system:Sulfur-driven denitrification
Denitrifying reactor:Packed-bed
Medium:Sulphur granules
Culture taken from:Tidal flats sediments
Organism (s) cultured:nan
Electron donor:Sulphur
Electron acceptor:Nitrate
Input NO3-N (mg/l):8.13
Nitrate removal rate (mg NO3-N/l/h):7.63
Denitrification rate (gNO3-N removed/m3/day):1370
Microorganisms identified:nan
Molecular tools:nan
Major findings:Effects of both concentration and loading rates of nitrate on denitrification efficiency and N2O production during sulfur driven denitrication were evaluated. Nitrious oxide production sulfur-driven denitrification was depended on nitrate concentration and nitrate loading rate.
Authors:Park et al., 2002
Title:Denitrification of High NO3(-)-N Containing Wastewater Using Elemental Sulfur; Nitrogen Loading Rate and N2O Production
Pubmed link:Link
Full research link:Link
Abstract:The effects of both concentration and loading rates of nitrate on denitrification efficiency and N2O production during the autotrophic denitrification with elemental sulfur were evaluated. Experiments were conducted with three continuously fed sulfur packed bed reactors (SPBRs) with different influent nitrate concentrations. The loading rate at which nitrate removal efficiency was greater than 95% decreased from 2.46 to 1.64 kg NO3(-)-N m(-3) day(-1) as the influent NO3(-)-N concentration increased from 175 to 700 mg 1(-1). The nitrate removal rate per unit volume of sulfur layer can be expressed as alpha (ALR)n, where ALR is the applied loading rate. The range of alpha and n values were 0.72-0.83 and 0.91-0.94, respectively. The maximum nitrate removal rate was estimated as 3.9 to 4.5 kg NO3(-)-N m(-3) day(-1) depending on the influent NO3(-)-N concentration. The loading rate for complete denitrification without N2O production was 1.37 kg NO3(-)-N m(-3) day(-1) at the influent NO3(-)-N concentration of 175 mg 1(-1). N2O production became significant when the influent nitrate concentration increased while the loading rate remained the same. The batch test indicated that the amount of N2O production per unit mass of nitrogen was greater with nitrite than with nitrate showing that N2O production was directly related to the concentration of nitrite and nitrate.