Biological Nitrogen Removal Database

A manually curated data resource for microbial nitrogen removal

Detailed information


Saccharophagus degradans (strain 2-40 / ATCC 43961 / DSM 17024)


  • Phylum : Proteobacteria
  • Class : Gammaproteobacteria
  • Order : Cellvibrionales
  • Family : Cellvibrionaceae
  • Genus : Saccharophagus

Isolation Source


Enzyme Name

periplasmic nitrate reductase subunit NapB

  • Encoding Gene:NapB
  • DNA Size:5057531 bp
  • Nucleotide FASTA sequence: Link

  • UniProt I.D: Q21PN0

Protein Information

  • Pro_GenBank I.D: ABD79349.1

  • Length:172 aa
  • Protein FASTA_sequence: Link

Information about Article

  • Reference:Weiner et al., 2008
  • Title:Complete genome sequence of the complex carbohydrate-degrading marine bacterium, Saccharophagus degradans strain 2-40 T
  • Pubmed ID:18516288.0
  • Pubmed link: Link

  • Full research link: Link

  • Abstract:The marine bacterium Saccharophagus degradans strain 2-40 (Sde 2-40) is emerging as a vanguard of a recently discovered group of marine and estuarine bacteria that recycles complex polysaccharides. We report its complete genome sequence, analysis of which identifies an unusually large number of enzymes that degrade >10 complex polysaccharides. Not only is this an extraordinary range of catabolic capability, many of the enzymes exhibit unusual architecture including novel combinations of catalytic and substrate-binding modules. We hypothesize that many of these features are adaptations that facilitate depolymerization of complex polysaccharides in the marine environment. This is the first sequenced genome of a marine bacterium that can degrade plant cell walls, an important component of the carbon cycle that is not well-characterized in the marine environment.