Biological Nitrogen Removal Database

A manually curated data resource for microbial nitrogen removal


Experimental setup

Influent:Synthetic wastewater

Anammox system:Sulfate-dependent anaerobic ammonium oxidation

Anammox reactor:Lab-scale reactor


Culture taken from:Lab-scale reactor treating ammonium and sulfate simultaneously

Microorganism cultured:Bacillus benzoevorans, Candidatus Anammoxoglobus sulfate


Electron donor:Ammonium chloride NH4Cl

Electron acceptor:Potassium sulfate (K2SO4), Sodium sulfate (Na2SO4)


Maximum sludge concentration:nan

HRT:1 d

NH4–N Influent conc(mg/L):229

NO2–N Influent conc(mg/L):nan

SO4–S Influent conc(mg/L):163

Experimental Information

NH4–N Removal efficiency (%):44.4

NO2–N Removal efficiency (%):nan

SO4-S Removal efficiency (%):40

NLR kg-N/m3/d:nan

NRR kg-N/m3/d:nan

Information about Article

Major findings:First report of a bacillus strain that was able to use sulfate for anaerobic ammonia oxidation

Authors:Cai et al., 2010

Title:Isolation and identification of bacteria responsible for simultaneous anaerobic ammonium and sulfate removal

Pubmed link:None

Full research link:Link

Abstract:Sulfate-dependent anaerobic ammonium oxidation is a novel biological reaction, in which ammonium is oxidized with sulfate as the electron acceptor under anoxic conditions. Ammonium and sulfate are cosmopolitan chemical species which are an integral part of the global nitrogen and sulfur cycles. A detailed exploration of sulfate-dependent anaerobic ammonium oxidation is quite practical. In this work, a bacterial strain named ASR has been isolated from an anaerobic ammonia and sulfate removing reactor working under steady-state. On the basis of electron microscopy, physiological tests and 16S rDNA phylogenetic sequence analysis, the strain ASR is found to be related to Bacillus benzoevorans. According to the biological carbon source utilization test, the strain ASR could use many carbon sources. Its optimum pH value and temperature were 8.5 and 30 °C, respectively. The test proves that the strain ASR is able to use sulfate to oxidize ammonia anaerobically. The maximum ammonia and sulfate removal rates were 44.4% and 40.0%, respectively. The present study provided biological evidence for the confirmation and development of sulfate-dependent anaerobic ammonium oxidation and brought new insights into the global nitrogen and sulfur cycles.