Biological Nitrogen Removal Database

A manually curated data resource for microbial nitrogen removal


Experimental setup

Influent:Synthetic wastewater

Anammox system:nan

Anammox reactor:Pilot-scale Granular sludge reactor

Medium:Nitrifying granular sludges

Culture taken from:Nitrifying granular sludges taken from Rotterdam-Dokhaven wastewater treatment plant

Microorganism cultured:Brocadia anammoxidans


Electron donor:Ammonium chloride NH4Cl

Electron acceptor:Sodium Nitrite (NaNO2)


Maximum sludge concentration:nan

HRT:0.7 d

NH4–N Influent conc(mg/L):120

NO2–N Influent conc(mg/L):600

SO4–S Influent conc(mg/L):nan

Experimental Information

NH4–N Removal efficiency (%):nan

NO2–N Removal efficiency (%):nan

SO4-S Removal efficiency (%):nan

NLR kg-N/m3/d:7.1

NRR kg-N/m3/d:7.1

Information about Article

Major findings:For the first time, the startup could be successfully monitored with Q-PCR during the periods when conversion did not give a clear proof of anammox activity yet.

Authors:van der Star et al., 2007

Title:Startup of reactors for anoxic ammonium oxidation: experiences from the first full-scale anammox reactor in Rotterdam

Pubmed link:Link

Full research link:Link

Abstract:The first full-scale anammox reactor in the world was started in Rotterdam (NL). The reactor was scaled-up directly from laboratory-scale to full-scale and treats up to 750 kg-N/d. In the initial phase of the startup, anammox conversions could not be identified by traditional methods, but quantitative PCR proved to be a reliable indicator for growth of the anammox population, indicating an anammox doubling time of 10-12 days. The experience gained during this first startup in combination with the availability of seed sludge from this reactor, will lead to a faster startup of anammox reactors in the future. The anammox reactor type employed in Rotterdam was compared to other reactor types for the anammox process. Reactors with a high specific surface area like the granular sludge reactor employed in Rotterdam provide the highest volumetric loading rates. Mass transfer of nitrite into the biofilm is limiting the conversion of those reactor types that have a lower specific surface area. Now the first full-scale commercial anammox reactor is in operation, a consistent and descriptive nomenclature is suggested for reactors in which the anammox process is employed.