Biological Nitrogen Removal Database

A manually curated data resource for microbial nitrogen removal


Experimental setup

Influent:Reject water

Anammox system:nan

Anammox reactor:Up Flow - Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB) reactor

Medium:Granular sludge

Culture taken from:Anammox

Microorganism cultured:Planctomycetales


Electron donor:Ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4), Reject water

Electron acceptor:Potassium sulfate (K2SO4), Sodium nitrite (NaNO2)


Maximum sludge concentration:nan

HRT:1–2 d

NH4–N Influent conc(mg/L):72

NO2–N Influent conc(mg/L):nan

SO4–S Influent conc(mg/L):58

Experimental Information

NH4–N Removal efficiency (%):23

NO2–N Removal efficiency (%):nan

SO4-S Removal efficiency (%):24

NLR kg-N/m3/d:0.28

NRR kg-N/m3/d:0.03

Information about Article

Major findings:The treatment of a supernatant from anaerobic sludge digestion by the SRAO process is feasible, however, due to low efficiency and low stability, unsuitable for most practical applications. In this study the SRAO process took place as one reaction of the multiple complex interactions between N-compounds, S-compounds, and organics (primarily HM), both biological and physicochemical in nature, resulting in a significantly higher removal ratio of NH+4 than SRAO stoichiometry predicts.

Authors:Rikmann et al., 2016

Title:Sulfate-reducing anammox for sulfate and nitrogen containing wastewaters

Pubmed link:None

Full research link:Link

Abstract:In a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) at moderate temperature of 20°C sulfate reduction along with ammonium oxidation were established. In an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASBR), the same process took place at 36°C. Sulfate-reducing ammonium oxidation (SRAO) was performed using reject water as a substrate for micro-organisms and a source of , with  being added as an electron acceptor. Bacterial strains belonging to the phylum Planctomycetales were detected from the biofilm of the MBBR; from the UASBR species representing phylum Verrucomicrobia were found. Average volumetric TN removal rates were 0.03 kg-N/m3/d in the MBBR and 0.04 kg-N/m3/d in the UASBR.  concentrations exceeding 1000 mg/l had an inhibiting effect on the SRAO process. The stoichiometric ratio of  removal was significantly higher than that expected from the extent of  reduction. This phenomenon can primarily be attributed to complex interactions between nitrogen and sulfur compounds and organic matter present in the wastewater. Addition of hydrazine and hydroxylamine up to 12.5 mg/l had a positive effect on SRAO process performance, particularly in the UASBR. Hydrazine was naturally present in the reaction medium, indicating occurrence of the anammox process.