Influent:Synthetic wastewate
Anammox system:Sulfate-dependent anaerobic ammonium oxidation
Anammox reactor:Agitated granular sludge bed (AGSB) reactor
Medium:Granular sludge
Culture taken from:Fullscale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor operating for treatment of pulp and paper wastewater
Microorganism cultured:nan
Electron donor:Ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4)
Electron acceptor:Sodium Nitrite (NaNO2)
Maximum sludge concentration:43.5
HRT:1.1 h
NH4–N Influent conc(mg/L):400
NO2–N Influent conc(mg/L):500
SO4–S Influent conc(mg/L):nan
NH4–N Removal efficiency (%):nan
NO2–N Removal efficiency (%):nan
SO4-S Removal efficiency (%):nan
NLR kg-N/m3/d:nan
NRR kg-N/m3/d:15.4
Major findings:High shear force improved settling of the anammox granules.
Authors:Tang et al., 2009
Title:The shear force amendments on the slugging behavior of upflow Anammox granular sludge bed reactor
Pubmed link:None
Full research link:Link
Abstract:The granulation of Anammox sludge plays an important role in improving the efficiency of high-rate Anammox bioreactors. The present study involved the use of anaerobic granular sludge to start up the Anammox process to accomplish granulation in Anammox reactor. The accumulation of nitrogen gas and subsequent slugging behavior were observed in the upflow Anammox granular sludge bed (AGSB) reactor, resulting in deteriorated effluent quality. Based on shear force analysis of the gas column under the quasi-steady state, the liquid-induced shear force was increased by progressively shortening of hydraulic residence time (HRT) and implementing effluent recycling. It appeared to be the right strategy to eradicate the slugging behavior which disappeared completely when HRT was shortened to 1.10 h with liquid upflow velocity of 1.30 cm min?1. The application of high shear stress enhanced the nitrogen removal performance to 15.40 kg-N m?3 d?1. Thus the amendments in the liquid-induced shear force by shortening HRT may be an appropriate strategy to overcome slugging behavior of the Anammox reactor.