Influent:Real wastewater
Comammox System:MBfR coupling anammox and n-DAMO
reactor:MBfR (biofilm)
Culture taken from:Freshwater sediment
Microorganism cultured:n-DAMO archaea and n-DAMO bacteria
Electron donor:Methane
Electron acceptor:Nitrite
HRT:2-3 h
NH4–N Influent conc(mg/L):nan
NO2–N Influent conc(mg/L):nan
NO3–N Influent conc(mg/L):nan
NH4–N Effluent (mg N/L):nan
NO2–N Effluent (mg N/L):nan
NO3-N Effluent (mg N/L):nan
NH4–N removal rate mg/L/d:28
NO2–N removal rate mg/L/d:nan
NO3-N removal rate mg/L/d:78
TN Removal rate (mg N/L/d):nan
Authors:Siegrist et al., 2008
Title:Anammox brings WWTP closer to energy autarky due to increased biogas production and reduced aeration energy for N-removal
Pubmed link:None
Full research link:Link
Abstract:Fifty years ago when only BOD was removed at municipal WWTPs primary clarifiers were designed with 2-3 hours hydraulic retention time (HRT). This changed with the introduction of nitrogen removal in activated sludge treatment that needed more BOD for denitrification. The HRT of primary clarification was reduced to less than one hour for dry weather flow with the consequence that secondary sludge had to be separately thickened and biogas production was reduced. Only recently the ammonia rich digester liquid (15-20% of the inlet ammonia load) could be treated with the very economic autotrophic nitritation/anammox process requiring half of the aeration energy and no organic carbon source compared to nitrification and heterotrophic denitrification. With the introduction of this new innovative digester liquid treatment the situation reverts, allowing us to increase HRT of the primary clarifier to improve biogas production and reduce aeration energy for BOD removal and nitrification at similar overall N-removal.