Biological Nitrogen Removal Database

A manually curated data resource for microbial nitrogen removal


Experimental setup

Influent:Synthetic wastewater simulating municipal wastewater

HN-AD system:Heterotrophic nitrification/aerobic denitrification

Reactor:Lab scale shaking flask batch


Culture taken from:Pure culture

Microorganism cultured:Bacillus licheniformis


Electron donor:nan

Electron acceptor:Ammonium




NH4–N Influent conc(mg/L):30.0

NO2–N Influent conc(mg/L):30.0

NO3–N Influent conc(mg/L):30.0

Experimental Information

NH4–N Effluent (mg N/L):nan

NO2–N Effluent (mg N/L):nan

NO3-N Effluent (mg N/L):nan

NH4–N removal rate mg/L/d:0.84 

NO2–N removal rate mg/L/d:0.62 

NO3-N removal rate mg/L/d:0.62 

TN Removal rate (mg N/L/d):73% 

Information about Article

Authors:Khanichaidecha et al., 2018

Title:Heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification using pure-culture bacteria for wastewater treatment 

Pubmed link:None

Full research link:Link

Abstract:Due to the high water demand and unsustainable water resource, wastewater reclamation and wastewater treatment prior to discharge have become current important issues. Various treatment technologies, such as biological processes, have been improved as alternatives. In this study, the biological nitrogen removal system using pure-culture Bacillus licheniformis was developed and used as an internal treatment unit in an aquarium to improve the effluent quality for water reuse. The efficiencies for NH4-N and total nitrogen (TN) removal and the quality of treated water verified the occurrence of heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification; the nitrification rate was 0.84 mg/L-h and the denitrification rate was 0.62 mg/L-h. The maximal NH4-N and TN removal efficiencies were approximately 73% at the influent NH4-N of 30 mg/L. However, the other competitive heterotroph of Pseudomonas sp. was observed, which resulted in dramatically decreasing efficiencies and an enlarged ratio of carbon consumption and nitrogen removal. Although the overall performance of the B. licheniformis system was lower than the system using mixed-culture nitrifying and heterotrophic denitrifying microorganisms, the advantages of the B. licheniformis system were ease of operation and the fact that it is a land-limited treatment system. The research is ongoing to enhance performance and maintain excellent efficiency in a long-term operation.