Influent:Raw water was collected from a coking plant
Anammox system:Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND)
Anammox reactor:Rotary shaker
Culture taken from:Raw water
Microorganism cultured:Cupriavidus sp. S1
Electron donor:Ammonium sulphate
Electron acceptor:Oxygen, Sodium nitrite, Sodium nitrate
Ammonia removal rate:10.43 mg L-1 h-1
Nitrate removal rate:8.64 mg L-1 h-1
Ammonia Removal efficiency (%):0.9968
Nitrate Removal efficiency (%):0.9803
Total Nitrogen Removal (%):0.965
Carbon Source:Sodium pyruvate
Final products:Nitrogen
Major findings:The bacterium Cupriavidus sp. S1 was newly isolated from coking wastewater. It could degrade ammonium, nitrate and nitrite with the production of N2 and high ammonium and nitrate removal rates were observed. Therefore, strain S1 could be used for nitrogen removal in industrial wastewater containing heavy metal.
Authors:Sun et al., 2016
Title:Removal of nitrogen by heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification of a novel metal resistant bacterium Cupriavidus sp. S1
Pubmed link:Link
Full research link:Link
Abstract:A novel heterotrophic nitrifying and metal resistant bacterium was isolated and identified as Cupriavidus sp. S1. The utilization of ammonium, nitrate and nitrite as well as the production of N2 proved the heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification ability of S1. The ammonium, nitrate and nitrite removal efficiencies were 99.68%, 98.03% and 99.81%, with removal rates of 10.43, 8.64 and 8.36mg/L/h, respectively. A multiple regression equation well described the relationship between carbon source utilization, cell growth and nitrification. Keeping the shaking speed at 120rpm was beneficial for denitrification. Moreover, different forms of nitrogen source could be utilize in simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. Additionally, the efficient removal of ammonium occurred at 20.0mg/LZn(2+), or 10.0mg/LNi(2+) or 8.0mg/LCu(2+) or 5.0mg/LCr(6+), 33.35mmol/L sodium pyruvate, C/N 12-28. These findings demonstrate that S1 was effective for nitrogen removal in industrial wastewater containing heavy metal.