Biological Nitrogen Removal Database

A manually curated data resource for microbial nitrogen removal


Experimental setup

Influent:Brackish water

Anammox system:Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND)

Anammox reactor:nan


Culture taken from:Commercial sea bass farm

Microorganism cultured:Acinetobacter calcoaceticus STB1


Electron donor:Ammonium chloride

Electron acceptor:Oxygen


Experimental Information

Ammonia removal rate:nan

Nitrate removal rate:nan

Ammonia Removal efficiency (%):0.93

Nitrate Removal efficiency (%):nan

Total Nitrogen Removal (%):0.0434

Carbon Source:nan

Final products:Nitrogen

Information about Article

Major findings:The novel Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strain showed efficient removal of ammonium at varying concentrations with the introduction around 22% of ammonium into cell biomass. Toxicological studies on Artemia reveal that this strain is non-toxic for nauplii, which suggests that STB1 can be safely and efficiently utilized in water quality enrichment in aquatic ecosystems.

Authors:Sarioglu et al., 2012

Title:Heterotrophic ammonium removal by a novel hatchery isolate Acinetobacter calcoaceticus STB1

Pubmed link:None

Full research link:Link

Abstract:A novel bacterial strain, STB1, was isolated from a commercial sea bass hatchery and found to display high heterotrophic ammonium removal characteristics at different concentrations of ammonium (NH4+?N). The species identity of STB1 was determined via 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis to be Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. We evaluated ammonium removal characteristics of STB1 at varying ammonium concentrations, and observed that STB1 can almost completely remove ammonium at low (50 mg l?1), and medium (100 mg l?1) concentrations within 72 h, while 45% ammonium removal was observed at a higher concentration (210 mg l?1) during the same period. Trace amount of the metabolized ammonium was converted to nitrite or nitrate and 22.16% of total nitrogen was incorporated into cell biomass, while 4.34% of total nitrogen was initially incorporated into cell biomass and subsequently released to the supernatant fraction in the 100 mg l?1 sample. Most of the remaining conversion products are expected to be gaseous denitrification products. Toxicological studies with Artemia salina (brine shrimp) nauplii revealed that STB1 strain is non-toxic to Artemia larvae, which suggests that STB1 can be safely and efficiently utilized in water quality enrichment in aquatic ecosystems.